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SREMI International Advisory Board
The IAB acts in an advisory capacity to the Director of SREMI to:
Generally engage interdisciplinary thinking, stimulate dialogue, provide advice on shaping the research agenda and catalyse research, education, consulting, advocacy and public policy initiatives.
Provide strategic advice on the activities and direction of the SREMI with the goal of making the SREMI the international leader in emergency medicine research and related teaching.
Service as an IAB member is voluntary. The committee reflects a diversity of interdisciplinary thinking and expertise in Emergency Medicine and related fields across the international health research community and society at large.
International Advisory Board Members

Jim Christenson
Dr. Jim Christenson is a recently retired emergency physician at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver. He is a Professor and past Head of the Academic Department of Emergency Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia and has a wide range of experience in emergency care clinical research. He currently is a Co-Principal Investigator for the Canadian Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium which aims to improve care through early interventions in cardiac arrest. He is also the Principal Investigator of a neuro-protective intervention given by paramedics to patients with severe stroke. Dr. Christenson leads the BC Emergency Medicine Network to facilitate knowledge sharing and clinical support for all emergency practitioners in British Columbia. A sub-study of the BCEMN, the Kwiis Hen Niip project, is funded by CIHR to improve emergency care in remote Nuu-chah-nulth communities on the west coast of Vancouver Island.

Matthew Cooke
Dr. Matthew Cooke is a recently retired emergency physician and Professor of Clinical Systems Design at Warwick Medical School. He is now an advisor to a range of NHS bodies and digital healthcare companies. Dr. Cooke was previously the NHS National Clinical Director for Emergency Care in England and a WHO advisor in emergency care. He was also Deputy Medical Director, and then Director of Strategy for a large NHS Hospital. He was in
the Health Service Journal top 100 most influential clinical leaders in the NHS in 2013 and 2014 and has previously been in the Times top 100 UK doctors. He has extensive experience in supporting improvement and change in emergency care in the UK and internationally and has undertaken extensive research in emergency care systems, as well as clinical trials.

Danielle Martin
Dr. Danielle Martin is the Chair of the Department of Family and Community Medicine (DFCM), University of Toronto. She is an active family physician whose clinical work has ranged from comprehensive family medicine in rural and remote communities to maternity care. She is a respected leader in Canadian medicine and well-recognized media spokesperson, regularly named on lists such as Medical Post’s Power List. Dr. Martin spent eight years as a senior hospital executive, most recently as Executive Vice President and Lead Medical Executive at Women’s College Hospital (WCH), where she was also medical lead of the hospital’s COVID-19 pandemic response. The recipient of many awards and accolades, in 2019 Dr. Martin became the youngest physician ever to receive the F.N.G. Starr Award, the highest honour available to Canadian Medical Association members.
Kendall Ho
Dr. Kendall Ho is an emergency medicine specialist, Professor at the University of British Columbia (UBC) Faculty of Medicine, and Lead the Digital Emergency Medicine Unit. He is the medical director of the BC Ministry of Health HealthLink BC virtual physician program, and collaborates with provincial partners on implementing and evaluating the BC Real Time Virtual Support provincial virtual care services. His digital health research in BC and internationally focuses on virtual care, wearables and sensors, data science, and multicultural engagement in digital health literacy to support patient transition between emergency departments and the community. His research and education in digital health has received awards and recognition of the BC Medal of Good Citizenship.

John McLaughlin
Dr. John McLaughlin is a Professor in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto, and Executive Director of the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health (CanPath), which is Canada’s largest health study with over 300,000 participants being followed in a prospective cohort study. He recently retired as the inaugural Chief Science Officer at Public Health Ontario, and he has previously held several leadership roles across Ontario’s research and health systems. As an epidemiologist, he leads research that integrates diverse disciplines in studies of environmental, biological and societal determinants of health, which has led to more than 325 publications. As a professor and health system executive, he steers research and services to have high impact by focusing on advancing disease prevention, addressing disparities and improving health system performance.

Maaret Castrén
Maaret Castrén is a nurse, an anesthesiologist and an emergency physician. She is working as the Head of the Department of Emergency Medicine and Services in Helsinki, Finland. She is leading the pre-hospital and emergency care for the region of Uusimaa in Finland having over 800 000 patient contacts a year. She became the first professor of Emergency Medicine in Sweden at Karolinska Institutet 2007, and the first professor in EM in Finland at Turku University 2012 and at Helsinki University 2016. She has an international research group validated by external experts as excellent, near to outstanding. She is the Past Chair of European Resuscitation Council and the Honorary Secretary of ILCOR.

Peter Selby
Dr. Peter Selby is a Senior Medical Consultant and Clinician Scientist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). He is the Giblon Professor, Interim Vice Chair of Research, and Director of the Mental Health and Addictions Division in the Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto. His research focuses on innovative methods to understand and treat addictive behaviours and their comorbidities. He uses technology to combine clinical medicine and public health methods to scale up and test health interventions. His cohort of >250,000 treated smokers in Ontario is an example of this. His most recent programme of research utilizes a Learning Health Systems approach to investigate how technology equitable collaborative care can enhance the delivery of evidence-based interventions to the patient while providing a more satisfying experience of care for both patients and providers.

Lynn Wilson
Dr. Lynn WIlson is the Vice Dean, Clinical and Faculty Affairs and Associate Vice Provost, Relations with Health Care Institutions. She is a Professor of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto. Dr. Wilson served as Chair of the Department of Family and Community Medicine (2007 – 2015). As a member of the Physician Services Committee for the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care, she helped to lead primary care renewal in Ontario (2002-2007). Dr. Wilson was the co-director of BRIDGES, an Ontario Ministry of Health funded project to support the design, implementation and assessment of innovative models of care that promote integration in the healthcare system (2011-2016). Dr. Wilson has practiced comprehensive family medicine for over 30 years. Her clinical interests have included substance use disorders, mental health, palliative care, primary care obstetrics, and care of the elderly.

Ula Hwang
Ula is an emergency physician and researcher interested in the quality of emergency care that older adults receive. She wrote the article first describing “The Geriatric Emergency Department,” co-lead the development of the 2014 Geriatric ED Guidelines that are endorsed by national Emergency Medicine and Geriatrics organizations, serves on the Board of Governors for the American College of Emergency Physician's Geriatric Emergency Department Accreditation program. She is the co-PI of the Geriatric ED Collaborative (GEDC), a national implementation program supported by the John A. Hartford Foundation and the West Health Institute to educate, implement, and evaluate geriatric emergency care and is the PI of the National Institute on Aging funded Geriatric Emergency care Applied Research (GEAR) Network. As of September 2023, she will be joining faculty at New York University. There she will be a tenured Professor in the Ronald O. Perelman Department of Emergency Medicine and Department of Population Health, Medical Director for Geriatric Emergency Medicine.

Luis F. Lobón
Dr. Luis Lobón is Vice Chair of Strategic Collaborations, Department of Emergency at Medicine Mass General Brigham, Executive Director of Strategic Partnerships Global Advisory at Mass General Brigham and Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Under his roles, he leads teams providing expertise in advancement of patient care delivery, executive educational programs and cutting edge research infrastructure development, among other opportunites tailored to deliver value and meet the educational, research and clinical transformation needs and in collaboration with global partners.
With over 25 years of healthcare leadership and management expertise working with and leading multidisciplinary teams across the healthcare continuum, Dr. Lobón has achieved the highest standards of quality-of-care delivery while supporting efficiency and financial targets. His passion for healthcare system integration, eliminating fragmented and siloed care delivery and optimizing patient progression, has been a guiding principle of his leadership focus for the academic and nonacademic healthcare organizations and teams that he has led. Dr. Lobón has an extensive curriculum in healthcare executive education and is currently program director for the International Emergency Department Leadership Institute, leading the master-level continuing executive education course, which explores topics central to the global challenges in Acute Unscheduled Care management and leadership and the formulation of strategies for the advancement of care delivery.

Judy Morris
Judy Morris is an emergency physician and trauma team leader at Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal, and a member of the emergency department’s research team. In this role, she has collaborated on numerous local and multicenter research projects in emergency medicine. She is the current president of Association des médecins d’urgence du Québec (AMUQ) as well as the chair of the leadership committee of the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP). Dr Morris is an Associate Professor at University de Montréal’s faculty of medicine. Since 2018, she has served as the Assistant Director of the Department of Family and Emergency Medicine.