Dr. Bjug Borgundvaag awarded the 2020 DFCM Award of Excellence in Creative Professional Activity
Dr Bjug Borgundvaag | Mount Sinai Hospital – Fully Affiliated Site
Starting from scratch 6 years ago, Dr. Borgundvaag conceived and built the Schwartz/Reisman Emergency Medicine Institute into a thriving model of academic excellence in emergency medicine. His goal is to improve ED care by advancing research and education in EM. Educationally, SREMI includes the EMCases Podcast (9 million downloads), 2 annual conferences, a clinician educator, and 4 EM Fellowship positions. Their research operations include a Chair in Geriatric EM, 4 clinician scientists (including a PhD Clinical epidemiologist), who together have produced 122 peer reviewed research publications, and participated in over $12.5M in peer reviewed research funding in the last 5 years.